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All text and photos ©parsley sage sweet 2008-present except where otherwise noted. If you want to republish or feature any of my recipes, you may post the ingredients and a photo you like with a link back to the page it was taken from, but please do not republish my written post or the written directions to said recipe.
All text and photos ©parsley sage sweet 2008-present except where otherwise noted. If you want to republish or feature any of my recipes, you may post the ingredients and a photo you like with a link back to the page it was taken from, but please do not republish my written post or the written directions to said recipe.
Tag Archives: Chicken Galantine
How to Debone a Whole Chicken for Chicken Ballotine or Galantine; My Daring Cooks Challenge
Before I say one word about deboning a whole chicken, a warning: Vegetarians and vegans (In my best Melissa McCarthy impersonation) LOOK AWAY! LOOK AWAY! Make No Bones About It! We’re deboning a chicken, here! They’re not dead..just boneless. Created … Continue reading
Posted in Daring Cooks, Dinner, Holiday, Poultry, Vegetables
Tagged Ballotine, caramel flan, Chicken Ballotine, Chicken Galantine, creme caramel, debone a chicken, deboning a chicken, Deboning chicken, flan, how to debone chicken, Jacques Pepin, Red Rice Stuffing, spinach stuffing, Stuffing, vanilla bean creme caramel