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All text and photos ©parsley sage sweet 2008-present except where otherwise noted. If you want to republish or feature any of my recipes, you may post the ingredients and a photo you like with a link back to the page it was taken from, but please do not republish my written post or the written directions to said recipe.
All text and photos ©parsley sage sweet 2008-present except where otherwise noted. If you want to republish or feature any of my recipes, you may post the ingredients and a photo you like with a link back to the page it was taken from, but please do not republish my written post or the written directions to said recipe.
Category Archives: Holiday
How to Debone a Whole Chicken for Chicken Ballotine or Galantine; My Daring Cooks Challenge
Before I say one word about deboning a whole chicken, a warning: Vegetarians and vegans (In my best Melissa McCarthy impersonation) LOOK AWAY! LOOK AWAY! Make No Bones About It! We’re deboning a chicken, here! They’re not dead..just boneless. Created … Continue reading
Posted in Daring Cooks, Dinner, Holiday, Poultry, Vegetables
Tagged Ballotine, caramel flan, Chicken Ballotine, Chicken Galantine, creme caramel, debone a chicken, deboning a chicken, Deboning chicken, flan, how to debone chicken, Jacques Pepin, Red Rice Stuffing, spinach stuffing, Stuffing, vanilla bean creme caramel
Vanilla Bean Brown Butter Cinnamon Challah Twist: A Guest Post for ‘Baking with Heritage’ at Food Wanderings
A few months ago, Shulie, from the beautiful blog, Food Wanderings, asked me to write a post for her Baking with Heritage series. I couldn’t have been more flattered, not to mention excited, since this would allow me to journey … Continue reading
Peanut Butter (or Almond Butter) Matzo Brei with Fresh Strawberry Maple Syrup
I wanted to make Egg Foo Yung. It was cooking class in 6th grade; mid-Passover. The teacher announced that those of us who observed Passover would be making Matzo Brei, and everyone else would be making Egg Foo Yung. “Can … Continue reading
Posted in Breakfast, Fruit, Holiday, Jams/Jellies
Tagged almond butter, almond butter matzo brei, egg foo young, egg foo yung, egg fu young, egg fu yung, fresh strawberry syrup, Jewish, matza, matzah, matzo, matzo brei, Passover, Peanut Butter, peanut butter matzo brei, Raspberry Syrup, strawberries, strawberry maple syrup, strawberry syrup