Today I have a Chocolate and Pistachio Marble Challah for you. Well, sort of.
I hate humidity. I hate muggy. I don’t hate it because it makes me feel sluggish, sticky and sweaty. I don’t hate it because it transforms my hair into a limp, Medusa like ‘doo’ of curly rat tails, or frizzes it out. I hate it because it affects my baking. I’ve complained about this for many summers on this blog; this blog that is now officially 4-years-old today! that I got that over with, here’s some more bitching.
Humidity can really affect bread baking, especially if you want to braid or knot loaves or rolls. You add the amount of flour approximated in the recipe, plus a little more, going by feel as you knead, which is usually the norm. When it’s humid, you keep adding flour, and the stickiness resurrects with each fold and push. The moisture in the air transfers to the dough, which absorbs cup after cup after cup of flour, and it seems to melt into the never-ending moisture as if you’ve barely added any flour at all. THEN, when you shape the bread and set it aside to rise, it spreads like a soaking mop across a fried chicken joint floor, obliterating any shape you created, and you can forget about oven-spring.
Humidity is the succubus of dough.
Of course a wave of humidity hit, and is still going strong as I type this, right when I decided to create and bake my challah for this month’s Daring Bakers challenge.
May’s Daring Bakers Challenge was pretty twisted – Ruth from The Crafts of Mommyhood challenged us to make challah! Using recipes from all over, and tips from “A Taste of Challah,” by Tamar Ansh, she encouraged us to bake beautifully braided breads.
I decided to make the dough into two flavors (chocolate and pistachio) along with the basic white challah recipe Ruth provided us with, using that basic white recipe as a base for the two flavors. I split the recipe in half, keeping one half white, then stirred 2 to 3 tablespoons dark cocoa into the other half of the warm water for the other dough. I also kneaded in some finely chopped dark chocolate.
I now had a basic white challah dough and a chocolate challah dough. For the pistachio dough, I made half the recipe, adding about 2 tablespoons pistachio butter to the warm water, plus a drop or 2 of green gel food color.
After the initial rise of each dough, I realized that all three were way too tacky to braid, so I started adding flour to each batch again, kneading, then more flour, kneading, then more. I finally reached a point where I felt all three could be braided and/or twisted into a cool knot, since there was probably enough dough for three challah braids now that I’d added more flour in my desperate attempt to fight off the omnipresent humidity beast. I let them rise again; visions of the perfect marble braid tap-dancing through my head.
At this point I didn’t care about a tough loaf of challah, I just wanted it to look pretty! This goes against every cooking, baking, blogging rule I hold near and dear, but I didn’t give a shit. Humidity also affects my mood. Not in a good way.
So, once each dough had risen, it was time to braid. I started with the twisty knot and covered it to rise. When I returned an hour later, it had not only spread, but the three strands in my braid had amalgamated into one freakin’ ball of mosaic! No high twisty bumps, no distinct ropes of dough, just a flat, mosaic boule, as you can see above and below. I finally gave up and baked it as is.
So, I decided to add more flour and try some braids with the remaining dough, using this 6-strand method, my favorite, alternating the pistachio, chocolate and white dough. Within 15 minutes the damn braids were already starting to flatten and spread.
Eff you, humidity! Why must you seep through the walls no matter how high I crank the AC?
When an hour was up, I had two 6-strand braids that looked like this..
LOVE the sinkhole in the middle! I knew they were going to bake up flat, so no pretty braids here.
Obviously, I couldn’t separate them back into three colored portions of dough, so I cursed up a storm as if my foul-mouth might perform magic on them, turning them into perfectly separated, braid-worthy dough. Nope, didn’t work. I dumped both flat braids into an oiled bowl and let it chill in the fridge overnight; not even a modicum of an idea of what I was going to do with this mess.
When I got home the next night, this is what I was greeted with…
Just as I was about to give up and surrender to another boule, an idea struck. Thank you, baby jeebus.
Remember those tubes of multi-colored plastic goo from the 1980’s, where you would put a glob on the end of a straw and blow it into a funky, psychedelic balloon? It smelled like carcinogens, and was probably akin to breathing in lead paint, but it was fun! I just looked it up; my search term “blow goo on straw”. Voila – Super Elastic Bubble Plastic by Wham-O!
So, I decided to divide this lump of Super Wet Elastic Boule Doughtastic into 12 pieces (I first made two 1 lb loaves), each piece a swirl of all three colors, like a glob of Super Elastic Bubble Plastic, then roll them into ropes, braid them together and pray.
Hmmm..this braid was looking okay since only the ends ‘melded’ into mosaic, braidless globs, but it had not flattened within 15 minutes, which was a good sign.
When it was fully risen, it was nowhere near as bad as the first two, but I knew I wasn’t going to get my usual, high, humpy, tight-braided challah. One turned out pretty flat, and the other held some humps and looked okay, and that’s the one I photographed. I had to slice it because I couldn’t fit the whole challah in my measly little Lowel Ego Light space. Surprisingly, neither of the loaves were tough, and I think the humidity played a role in that too. At least it was good for something..for once.
Enough cannot be said about climate controlled kitchens. I will have day, when I hit the lottery.
Now, because of the humidity gremlin reeking dough havoc, I can’t give you an exact recipe (although I did explain what I did in the 5th and 6th paragraphs, and I’ll explain again briefly), but, I can tell you to add dark cocoa to the amount of water in your favorite challah recipe (boil the water first, add cocoa, stir, then let cool before continuing), and knead a bunch of grated dark chocolate into the dough, for a chocolate dough.
For a pistachio dough, make or buy pistachio butter and add a couple of tablespoons into the amount of warm water listed in your recipe, like for the chocolate dough. Add a bit of green food color, if desired. Let the pistachio water cool, then go ahead with your recipe, kneading in some chopped pistachios to add some texture and more pistachio flavor, if you’d like. After egg washing the loaves, I sprinkled turbinado sugar on top of both for a sweet crunch.
I will make this again and return with an actual recipe, on a nice, cool, Fall or Winter day.
UPDATE: The recipe is finally here. It only took 6 years.
- ½ cup warm water minus 2 tablespoons for the yeast
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 2 teaspoons active dry yeast
- 2½ tablespoons sugar
- 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
- 1 egg
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- ½ cup warm water minus 2 tablespoons for the yeast
- 2 tablespoons dark cocoa
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 2 teaspoons active dry yeast
- 2½ tablespoons sugar
- 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
- 1 egg
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 cup grated or shredded dark chocolate
- ½ cup warm water minus 2 tablespoons for the yeast
- ¼ cup pistachio butter*
- 1 to 2 drops green gel food color, if desired
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 2 teaspoons active dry yeast
- 2½ tablespoons sugar
- 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
- 1 egg
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- ½ cup pistachio nuts, toasted, then finely chopped (optional)
- 1 egg, beaten until frothy
- turbinado sugar for topping, if desired
- Prepare all the doughs, one after the other, so they rise together for the 1½ hours.
- In mixer bowl/large mixing bowl combine the 2 tablespoons of warm water, the 1 teaspoon of sugar, and the 2 teaspoons of yeast. Allow to proof approximately 5 minutes until foamy.
- To the yeast mixture add the remaining water, 2½ tablespoons of sugar, vegetable oil, egg, salt and the 2 cups of flour. Knead (by hand or with your mixer’s dough hook) until smooth, adding flour as needed. Knead for approximately 10 minutes.
- Transfer dough to a clean, oiled bowl, turn to coat or add a bit more oil on top. Cover bowl with a kitchen/tea towel. Leave to rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 ½ hours.
- In mixer bowl/large mixing bowl combine the 2 tablespoons of warm water, the 1 teaspoon of sugar, and the 2 teaspoons of yeast. Allow to proof approximately 5 minutes until foamy.
- To the remaining warm water, stir in the dark cocoa until dissolved.
- To the yeast mixture add the chocolate water, 2½ tablespoons of sugar, vegetable oil, egg, salt and 2 cups of flour. Knead (by hand or with your mixer’s dough hook) until smooth, adding in the grated or shredded chocolate and kneading for approximately 10 minutes, adding flour as needed.
- Transfer the chocolate dough to a clean, oiled bowl, turn to coat or add a bit more oil on top. Cover bowl with a kitchen/tea towel. Leave to rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 ½ hours.
- In mixer bowl/large mixing bowl combine the 2 tablespoons of warm water, the 1 teaspoon of sugar, and the 2 teaspoons of yeast. Allow to proof approximately 5 minutes until foamy.
- To the remaining warm water, stir in the pistachio butter until dissolved. Stir in green food color if using.
- To the yeast mixture add the pistachio water, 2½ tablespoons of sugar, vegetable oil, egg, salt and 2 cups of flour. Knead (by hand or with your mixer’s dough hook) until smooth, adding in the finely chopped pistachios and kneading for approximately 10 minutes, adding flour as needed.
- Transfer the pistachio dough to a clean, oiled bowl, turn to coat or add a bit more oil on top. Cover bowl with a kitchen/tea towel. Leave to rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 ½ hours.
- NOW, you can easily roll each flavored dough into its own strand and braid like you would any other 3- strand challah OR, you can do the cool marble effect I've got going on! To do that, punch down all three risen doughs, then dump them all in one large oiled bowl. Cover and refrigerate for a few hours to overnight.
- When ready, remove the bowl from the fridge and punch down the marbled dough. DO NOT TRY TO SEPARATE EACH COLOR and DO NOT KNEAD IT OR SQUISH IT TOGETHER because your dough is now marbled perfectly! Just dump the whole mass of tri-colored dough (like you see in my photo above, the 6th photo from the top) on a floured board, and cut it into three pieces (or 4 or 6 pieces, depending on how many strands braided you'd like your challah to be. I made a 6-strand braid challah). Roll each piece into a long snake, and taper the ends, then braid your challah.**
- Place braided challah on a parchment lined or greased baking sheet and cover with plastic wrap (loosely) and a towel. Let rise for 30 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
- Brush the top of challah with egg wash. (Sprinkle with seeds or toppings here if wanted. I sprinkled it with turbinado sugar.)
- Bake challah 30-40 minutes until done.
- Cool on a wire rack before slicing.
** You can divide the dough into 12 pieces and make two 3-braid 1 lb loaves, if you'd like. Bake for 25 to 35 minutes. ALSO, you don't have to braid the challah(s). You can shape it into a round (a boule or a braided twist etc..), if you'd like, as shown in the photos. Once again, like the braided challah(s), One 2 lb boule or 2 1 lb boules.
If you’d like the recipes Ruth provided for the Daring Bakers Challenge, which includes the one I used for my Chocolate and Pistachio Marble Challah (the honey white challah), CLICK HERE.
I’m submitting this Chocolate and Pistachio Marble Challah to Yeastspotting, hosted by the talented Susan of Wild Yeast.
Now to the Giveaway. It’s a Giveaway you see all over the blogosphere, but in this case, it’s from ME to one else involved, to say thank you for a great 4 years.
Photo from
It’s a KitchenAid Professional 600 Series 6-Quart Stand Mixer – your choice of color.
To enter this giveaway, just leave a comment.
For three extra entries you can..
1. Follow me on Twitter @parsleynsage
2. Tweet this giveaway – I just entered to win a Kitchen Aid 6 -Quart Stand Mixer at . Leave a comment to enter. Ends June 4th, 2012. June 8, 2012.
3. Like or share this giveaway on Facebook.
Leave a separate comment for each of the three bonus entries you do.
Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend!
i would love to win this prize. thanks for the chance
I’ve been dying for a KA mixer for years! I hope I win, although the chances are slim!
It looks fantastic! I hated the humidity when we lived in GA. I take the rain in WA any day! Not humid at all!!
i Follow @parsleynsage on Twitter
Following you on Twitter – not sure how I missed your awesome blog before now.
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Thanks so much.
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What a wonderful prize. Thanks so much for this giveaway.
Happy blogiversary! What a generous giveaway! I’d love to win. 🙂
Amazing bread! Happy Anniversary!
I have always wanted one of theses mixers. That bread looks amazing!
I shouldn’t have left the Daring Baker’s! I have always wanted an excuse to make challah. My neighbor bakes it every week without fail….some day. Yours is gorgeous regardless of humidity or anything else. Congrats on your anniversary!
Happy blogiversary, Lisa!
Oh, that is a NICE challah. I knew you would do something cool. I love the chocolate & pistachio flavours, and the swirls look lovely.
Effing humidity. Oh well, at least it turned out well in the end. 🙂
Happy blogiversary!
Your challah looks pretty darn cool, humidity be darned!! LOL. I love the color swirls. And way to save that loaf with a blast from the past inspiration! 🙂 I bet the flavor combination made for some fun eating 😉
I am so glad you were able to participate this month! I totaly think you made lemonade out of the lemons the humidity threw at you, though. The marble loaf looks way cool! And the flavor sounds yummy…! I’ll be coming for leftovers any day now!! Thank you for playing along with me!!
Happy, happy, happy Blogaverssary! 4 years wow. Well I think your bread looks great. I don’t make bread much and not sure I ever did it on a hot humid day but I’ll take your word for the trouble of it. I would eat it up.
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Now you make me feel so grateful for our dry climate. It might leave my skin dried up and wrinkly but at least it doesn’t mess with my dough. I love how creative you were with this challenge. I’m so glad the bread tasted great after all that aggravation.
Would love to win a new mixer! New to your blog- popped on from FB and plan to stay a while/
Happy Blogiversary!!! and many, many more. Your challah looks delicious. I’ve got to conquer my fear of it and make one soon.
Happy Anniversary! Here’s to many more happy stories and recipes!!!
I follow you on Twitter.
I am in love with your challah!! How wonderfully creative and absolutely gorgeous! Did you love this month’s Daring Bakers’ Challenge? I did!! I’ve had such terrible luck making bread on other occasions so I was thrilled by how easy this all came together. Oh and I really really want to win the mixer too 😉 I need it desperately. Congratulations on 4 wonderful years!!!
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I’ve been following your blog for a little while… since part 4 or 5 maybe? And, while I admit at first it was just for the love story (I’m a sucker for a good love story!) I’m sure I’ll stay because of the good food, too! 🙂 Congrats on your anniversary!
Oh, and I just liked this on FB too. 🙂
That looks so cool! I used pistachio paste as well and tried to stuff rhubarb stalks in to my filled challah, creating a messy explosion of challah, so I feel your pain. it wasn’t even that humid here. Did you know that I haven’t got a stand mixer? I’m sure I could find space!
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Today I made your Levain copycat recipe – but stupid me – didn’t use the updates — they were good – but next time I’ll incorporate all your changes. First thing I thought was dark brown sugar! Haha – and there you had it in black and white. I would love a chance to win the mixer – happy blog-birthday, Lisa!
Happy Blogiversary! and Thanks for the great giveaway !
I follow you on twitter @icywit!
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Congratulations on four years of blogging! You have a great blog and I always look forward to your posts. I am loving this marbled challah!
Happy anniversary to your wonderful blog, Lisa! I feel like a toddler compared to you! Congratulations and here is to many more blogging years to come! Cannot wait for the next installment of the Bad Boy Saga!
I hope your weekend is great:) Hugs!
You know I have been following you on Twitter for ages:)
I would love to win this KA in scarlet, so I tweeted about the giveaway:)
Happy Anniversary! Love your blog! This recipe is fabulous! I would love to give it a try. Thanks for the opportunity to win this wonderful prize.
Following on twitter @annedoggett
Congrats on your 4 yr anniversary…this post epitomizes your skill level with no matter what challenge may befall you, you end up with a gorgeous end product. Your photos are gorgeous and the challah is fit for any rabbi’s dinner- well done and stay cool in this muggy weather : )
been wanting to get more involved in baking, cakes, cupcakes, breads mainly and can’t afford this sweet Stand Mixer!! I would love to win this so I can follow my creative juices wherever they may take me! Thanks for the chance to win.. it would get used daily in my house, about to burn up my hand held mixer.. LOL
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That bread looks awesome. Love the colors. Congrats on your 4th blog anniversary 🙂
It is my DREAM to own one of these!
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Oh my goodness. I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing this looks! Congrats on your 4-years! I commend you on your commitment to your blog. I look forward to many more years with you. Maybe even forever? 🙂
what a gorgeous loaf! congrats on 4 years!
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My wife and I keep hoping to win one of these KitchenAids in a giveaway some day, but in the meantime we get to enjoy some wonderful blogs! Thanks!
looks lovely! Need a stand mixer . . .
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Oh Lisa! I hear you about the humidity! I struggle with it EVERY SINGLE DAY… and the a/c doesn’t help me one bit 🙁 I think the bread looks yummy especially with those three colors and I would gladly take it off your hands if you don’t want it 🙂
Congrats on four years, my friend… you have done a fantastic job and I just love your blog! You know I’m a fan 🙂
Can’t wait for part 12!!! 🙂
Can’t believe I wasn’t already following you on Twitter! I am now 🙂 @theharriedcook 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
I now follow you on Twitter! @SMunchimunch
And tweeted about your giveaway! @SMunchimunch
Interesting blog! Hope i win!!!
That bread sounds and looks amazing! And I could sure use a KitchenAid Mixer, too!
I’m following you on Twitter @sweephappy
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Thank for a chance to win.
My brain short-circuited when I read what the give-away was. I felt like Homer Simpson thinking about donuts n beer! I would LOVE to win!
I tweeted I just entered to win a Kitchen Aid 6 -Quart Stand Mixer at .
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And liked on Facebook. Thanks.
Congratulations! (And great story. I needed a chuckle!)
Saladgoddess now following on Twitter.
I would love a standing mixer – I have never owne one!
Happy 4th anniversary!
Followed you on twitter. @ickypix
Awesome giveaway! I would love to get a kitchenaid
Liked on Facebook 🙂
I’ve never had a stand mixer but have always wanted one. Thanks for giving me the chance to win one
I follow you on twitter @Katier6678
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Awesome giveaway!
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Hope I win!
I love homemade bread and would love to win this giveaway!
I follow you on twitter as ptowngirl25.
smchester at gmail dot com
That bread is so pretty! My jaw’s hanging open here…I’m seriously waiting for the day I make great food like that! And Happy Blogoversary! Four years!
Thanks for the reminder about humidity & yeast. I made a 7 grain bread last week that didn’t ‘poof’ in the oven. It tasted great though.
I would love to win a new mixer. Thanks for the chance.
For all the same reasons as you, I hate humidity! Your challah looks beautiful. I love those colors.
Happy Bloganniversary!
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Oh my! 4 years! What a great milestone! 🙂 Congrats!
I hate humidity too… once I had to make a batch of macarons on a humid day and they came out horrible! :-((((
Your challa still looks pretty though! I love the flavours you chose!
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Just tweeted about the giveaway! <3
Wow! this bread looks amazing. I will try it…if I win the mixer!
imisstx at comcast dot net
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Oh just stunningly gorgeously deliciously beautiful! Challahs were a real treat when I was a kid, brought straight from New York by my grandparents when they came to visit. Yours is truly a work of art…Cheers!
Very creative. 🙂
I would love to start making homemade bread and this would be the perfect tool to start doing that. Your challah bread looks amazing!
I would love the dark pewter.
nice! happy 4th!
i’m not a big one for challah but everything you make looks awesome!
thanks for the cool blog and entertainment via stories-
this would be awesome
This would be an amazing wedding gift for my friend’s daughter. Thanks for the chance.
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Congrats on 4 years! Would love to win this mixer. Thank you, it’s extremely generous of you!
I’ve followed you on twitter.
Congrats! This is a nice giveaway.. thanks so much!
Thanks for offering this awesome giveaway. I’d love to win!
I liked this giveaway/post on FB: Ann Fantom
I don’t have a mixer but surely can make room for one!
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Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Twitter follower (@facetwit17) Please follow back.
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It’s very humid here too and I agree with you completely, not fun. I’ve been wanting a Kitchenaid forever and thank you for this great giveaway!
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What a gorgeous loaf of bread!
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Following on twitter @GoddessFoodie.
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Yay for four years! I love your blog!
Humidity or not, I think it still looks really pretty! Kudos to your determination in this challah baking endeavor! 🙂
Happy Blogiversary! 4 years is a lot of posts!
This is some pretty wacky bread. I love it. I hate humidit too. I have fine, thin, curly hair and just a whif of humid air off the water out back and I look like a pot scrubber. 🙂 …and not in a good way.
The giveaway sounds fantastic.. what a wonderful prize. I couldn’t live without my mixer.
I have wanted a Kitchen Aid mixer for years now, but could never fit it in the budget. It would be a wonderful gift to me to win this!
Love how pretty this is. I am going to have to test that recipe.
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I tweeted about the giveaway and here is the link
oh! i’ve always wanted one of these. i hope i’m fortunate enough to be picked as the winner. thanks for offering it.
I thought all the breads looked kinda neat 🙂 Would love this mixer! I have a hand mixer that is super-old. That’s it!
Oooh shiny Kitchen Aid! 🙂
Following you on twitter @writetoabbey
Love the funky swirl of the challah and the best thing is that is the most natural way to color your food. Perhaps if I can win that beautiful standing mixer, I can try my hand at making my own challah. By the way, it is an uncharacteristic 70% humidity (and rising) where I am right now.
Congratulations on your blogiversary and thanks for the chance to win!
I follow @parsleynsage (@cmouse01)
Please count me in! Would be awesome to win it.
Man, I am praying hard to get it.
Put my name in the hat! God bless!
I want it so bad!!!!!!!!!!
Put me in the drawing. Have a good day.
I’d love to win this – I’ve wanted one for years!!!
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Could really use a new mixer!
[email protected]
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Happy Blogiversary!
Your challah looks beautiful and it’s very unique!
I really like what you made (although we cannot bless on it on Sat. meals)
I’m nor here for the giveaway – only to tell you that your challah looks amazing!!
Thank you for the great giveaway and happy blogiversary!
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Thank you for the chance to win!
Oh, that marbling is amazing! Gotta try this!
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I tweeted the giveaway 🙂
I so want a mixer~ Congrats on 4 years
Follow you ontwitter @Mkjmc
just discovering your blog for the first time—liking it! Thanks!
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I am so much friendlier than the gravatar I was assigned
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I really want this.
Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!
family74014 at gmail dot com
I follow via twitter 🙂
family74014 at gmail dot com
Happy blogiversary!! I’ve really enjoyed your “bad boy” stories!!
Haha sadly it never gets that humid here in the UK but I do feel your frustration with this loaf! Turned out gorgeous in the end though, and I love the idea of all those different doughs.
Humidity really ruins merangue also. Oh, and cream puffs hate humidity too. Love to win and I enjoyed reading your journey through humidity.
We moved from TX to Rhode Island, and I am so glad to have much less humidity. I feel your pain!
That bread looks great!
Happy Anniversary! Four years is a heck of a long time in the blogging world. You should give yourself the mixer! 😉 I don’t need to enter your contest, but wanted to stop by to wish you a happy one and to tell you what an amazing baker you are. Here’s to four more!! xxx
Thank you for the giveaway
follow u on twitter
A labor of love for sure but what a beautiful result. I just love the flavors you selected. you are so creative.
I already Follow you on Twitter.
I Tweeted this giveaway. Happy Blogaversary!
I shared this giveaway on Facebook.
You make that look so easy to make! Thank you for the chance to win!
I follow on twitter (@CandiceHull)
Thank you!
candicesweeps at yahoo dot com
Thanks for your time and happy anniversary!
Congrats on your Blogoversary! 4 years is huge!
Somehow we didn’t get one of these as a wedding gift. I’d love to win one because I’m pretty sure that’s the only way I’ll be able to pick a fun color without my husband objecting. 🙂
I tweeted the giveaway.
Happy blogiversary!
I would love to win this.
I’d love to win!!
Great prize!
I would LOVE to win this mixer! What a great giveaway! Happy bloggiversary!
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I love your blot…wish I had found it earlier.
I should have come out of DB retirement for this one…and I know what you mean about sabotaging the taste for the look when the pressure is on. But I bet this still tasted great…and I love the mosaic look of your boule…lovely!!!
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PS…what an amazing giveaway, Lisa!!!
I would love to win this!:)
What a gorgeous mixer 😀
I am following you on Twitter 😀 @TimboSquad
I just tweeted this giveaway here 😀
I ‘ve been a lurker of your blog for a year now, love it and hoping part 12 comes soon! The humidity story was so fun to read! The bread look so pretty. I don’t think I could ever pull that off, especially in muggy weather, KA mixer or not! Thanks for this giveaway!
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I’d love to own one of these. Thank you!
I follow on Twitter with @caromorin.
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I would love to win this contest! I’ve always wanted a Kitchen Aid Mixer!!!!
I like this giveaway on Facebook!!!!
Congrats on 4 years! As for your challah, you are a daring Baker! I’ve always been afraid to try it and I think I’ll hold off a few more years (maybe till the kids are all grown and gone!)
Wow! This challah is sooo cool!! Happy 4 years!
I follow you on Twitter! @eatdrinkluv
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I have always wanted a KitchenAid mixer. Thanks for the giveaway!
Liked this giveaway on FB: Hoa Le
Your bread looks fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win. That bread is visually beautiful.
great giveaway
I hate humidity too! I was unaware of humidity-controlled kitchens…I’d love to have one as much as the lap pool I’ve always wanted!
We eat challah often, and this recipe is one I must try…it just has to taste great…your photos are so beautifull!
You are just too much…happy fourth blog anniversary! I always get such a kick out of your blogs, along with the bonus of very special recipes!
I like the swirls of color in your bread. Woiuld love to win this mixer for my kitchen.
I am so excited about this giveaway! I am getting married in Sept. and I have to bake everything for the reception, so this could truly help!! Oh yea, and it matches my kitchen!!!
I would love to win this!
I admire your persistence! I would’ve just cried in a corner, LOL. Thanks for the giveaway, I’d love to win the mixer 🙂
I follow you on Twitter
Great blog congrats on 4yrs ,
Even though the initial braid didn’t work out, the multicolor challah looks quite cool – I bet kids would love it. Great giveaway too!
Follow you on twitter. Would love to win!
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Lisa, You are such a go-getter! I would have given up after the first attempt, at least until another day. You always manage to hang in there until you are successful! They all look pretty though, with the multicolored loaf:) I bet it’s so tasty! How do you come up with this stuff? Very generous giveaway, by the way:) Happy 4th Anniversary!!!
I liked this on facebook. Actually I liked it by pushing the “like” button at the bottom of the post, but it went through on my husband’s facebook (James Sparks) log in-oops! I couldn’t find your fb page when I went looking, Lisa, or would have shared the giveaway, but I still can by linking to it:)
Here I thought I was the only one that had issues with humidity! Congrats on not throwing up your hands and giving it a toss to the trash!
Oh I would love to win this!
Happy Blogiversary! Thx for the opportunity!
I follow @parsleynsage on twitter!
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I would love another kitchen aid! It would make my life that much better!
very nice mixer!
I would love nothing more than to win this for my wife who wants one of these so bad! Thank you for the chance!
I am following you on Twitter as @slg915
Liked the giveaway on FB as David Gossett
I think you did a pretty good job at your bread! Thank you for the giveaway!
I shared your giveaway on Facebook.
I also liked this giveaway on Facebook
i feel your pain, or at least some of it. We have a lot of humidity here too and our apartment buildings AC failed. So i get humidity and 80 – 100 degree heat.
Bread looks great though, good job fighting the weather.
I shared this giveaway on facebook.
Would love to win I make lots of bread, cakes and cookies and such but mix and knead all by hand this would be a dream to use!
I tweeted @skeetersden
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I now follow you on twitter. The blog looks great. Well done with the bread – it looks very difficult!
Also, I have wanted one of these mixers for ages! I have posted the giveaway on twitter. Fingers crossed 🙂
LIked this giveaway on FB kathy P
Happy fourth — and many, many more. Love the blog….
4 years is quite a milestone. It’s longer than any relationship I had besides my hubby;) Your dedication to writing here is appreciated by all of us. I love your creative posts. Like this challah…wow! I’m with you on humidity and agree w/Maureen…awful for the hair and also not great for baking pretty breads. I deal with it every day down here in humidity central. Fabulous focaccia, my dear. Happy Blogiversary (did I spell that right.?)xo
I would love to win this. Thank you fo the opportunity.
I’m a fairly new reader to this blog but love it. Would also love the mixer.
Happy Blogiversary!
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Congrats on your 4 years!! What a great giveaway!! Good luck to us ALL!!
Congratulations on 4 years! Adore your blog! Adore the Bad Boy Love series! Adore Kitchen Aid!
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Great blog and nice prize. Thanks for the opportunity.
Wow soo cool
I’m with you on the humidity. I think they would have looked just as pretty, although perhaps blobby, in the original “loose” braids. Still very pretty!
Funny post Lisa. I can so relate from all my years in NYC. Every time I go back home I have to re-adjust myself when baking. Especially bread. At least it didn’t turn into a hockey puck with all that reworking. Just put your hair in a ponytail (the only only look for eastcoast summer) and eat your bread…
And I already follow you on twitter
and I “tweeted” it (boy, you really have to be careful with the spelling on that one….)
I’ve been wanting one of these 🙂
I think your bread looks great! Congratulations on 4 years! I love your blog and am really enjoying the “Bad Boy Love” series.
What a wonderful prize. Thanks so much.
I also liked this on facebook!
My mother has said a few times how much she wants one of these. I’d love to win it for her!
I tweeted
If I won I would use the mixer to make homemade biscuits and shortbread cookie dough.
I want to win
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Great giveaway…I love Kitchen Aid!
I have been drooling for a mixer for years! Congrats on 4 years!
Followed on twitter: @tagna09
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I am so with you on the humidity. It ruined my French bread! Love your colorful challah!
Congrats on 4 years of blogging, Lisa! Your posts always inspire me. You tend to try things I wouldn’t even think of… like making different flavored doughs for challah! Hope you’ll continue to blog and inspire me for many more years! 🙂
Happy 4 years! I’ve loved your blog for I believe at least most of that. You are my Levain copycat hero! 😉 And I love the look of that challah, especially that first risen loaf ready to be baked. Happy to not be living with the Midwest humidity anymore.
WordPress enters my comments as kevnkoi, this is Katrina at Baking and Boys!
Your challah looks so good—I want a piece now!
i follow you on twitter @smilekisses
I’m always watching for your blog b/c you always have a very interesting recipe! Happy 4th to you and many more! I’m already a subscriber to your emails. I’m glad your life is getting better now.
I follow you on Twitter.
I’m kevnkoi on WordPress, but this is Katrina at Baking and Boys!
I tweeted about the giveaway @koismih (Katrina at Baking and Boys!)
I posted about the giveaway on Facebook on my personal page and my blog page. (Katrina at Baking and Boys!) 😉
Wow, Lisa – Congrats on 4 years! You said you were going to go psychedelic [clarification – we were talking fruits & veggies 😉 ] and the colors and flavors you incorporated into your challah are fantastic!
I tweeted
Looks great! Far more ambitious than I ever get. 😀
Following @parsleynsage as @ArtsyChaos.
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I’d love to win!
I follow on twitter @immortalb4
I think it looks pretty cool, in the end. But I can understand your frustration!
Just tweeted! Tweet this giveaway – I just entered to win a Kitchen Aid 6 -Quart Stand Mixer at .
this bread seriously looks AMAZING!!! i will have to give this a shot once i have some time (and patience) to spare 😉
jpinnick86 at gmail dot com
i follow you on twitter as whmsicalcupcake
i also tweeted this givewaway!
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My goodness. I had to scroll for hours to get to the bottom of your comments. But, I just had to say that I loved your story about the challah bread. If someone brought that over to my house, I would be so tickled. And…if you want to hear complaining about the humidity…come over to my house…we hate it! Don’t know how much longer we are going to make it in Houston with these summers.
Your bread is beautiful even tho you had some problems. I live in a dry climate and no idea humidity played such havoc with bread making. Fun post! Happy Blogaversary!!!
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Loved your post, and I would love to win!
Followed you on Twitter (@megmarie_)
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Liked it on Facebook. Bam, three for three!
Your challah looks amazing! I’ve never seen anything quite like it.
I liked this giveaway on Facebook!
Wow! What a fantastic prize! I stumbled upon part 9 of your bad boy love story on foodgawker and have been hooked on your blog since.
The odds may not be great, but Katrina suggested we give it a try, so here i am, trying to win a new mixer. Thanks for the opportunity.
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I have never owned a mixer and now that I am older and know how to cook and bake, I really want one.
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I love that mixer!
I follow you on Twitter (@CynthiaAndrea9)
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thanks for this giveaway!
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I would love to win this! Thanks for the opportunity.
Followed you on Twitter: @whitesoulband
Tweeted about the giveaway here:
Liked the givaway on Facebook (Emily Worster)
always wanted one of these fancy mixers, handheld ain’t cuttin it
I’d love this mixer. It would go so well in my kitchen!
These stand mixers are so great for making breads–would love one! Thanks!
Love this idea! Just returned from Turkey where the pistachio rules. Stuffed a kilo of pistachio paste in my suitcase and now I have added this recipe to my list of “All Things Pistachio.”
Wow, what an epic challenge this turned into! I gotta say, I probably would have given up so I admire your perseverance. I love love love the multi-coloured challah idea (especially the chocolate part) and I think it looks pretty great, humidity or no humidity 🙂 And happy 4th blogiversary!
neat bread!
Thanks for the opportunity. Have a nice weekend. 🙂
@tamarsw follows @parsleynsage on Twitter!
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Wow, wow, wow. The first for the Challah – really beautiful! Something I have to try when I have a free day. The second for the 4 years annyversary – this is a substantial number for a blog. Congrats and thank you for all the deliciousness! And the third is for the giveaway – this is so generous of you! You’re the best!
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Bless your heart, talk about persistence! They all look yummy, though!
Twitter follower (@chvydupont24)
Humidity or no humidity, that is some gorgeous bread!
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I’m totally inspired by this recipe! There is much baking in my future..
Congrats on 4 years! Keep up the good work! And I can’t wait for part 12.
[email protected]
Wow– great giveaway– thanks!
I just entered to win a Kitchen Aid 6 -Quart Stand Mixer
I have ALWAYS wanted one of these!! AH I hope I win lol
megnate at telus dot net
I follow you on twitter as @fahlinstar
megnate at telus dot net
I tweeted:
megnate at telus dot net
It looks great! Love the flavour-combination!
I like this on Facebook 🙂
love the red [email protected]
Thank you so much for this giveaway!
Incredible giveaway 🙂 I’d love to win a kitchenaid.
I would love to win this mixer! I make challah at least once a week, so it would make it go so much faster! Thanks for a great giveaway!
i would love to win this. Thank you!
happy anniversary! thanks for such a fantastic giveaway!
I Liked this giveaway on Facebook.
I live in south Florida. Totally agree about the humidity. Thanks for offering give away.
I would love to win this mixer. I’d add the ice cream maker attachment and be in heaven!
chrisdeglen tweeted:
I liked this post on Facebook. Debbie Christie
The breads look lovely! And what a generous giveaway!!!
Can’t wait to try this out!!
The challah is beautiful! I’ve only seen a traditional braided challah before.
I’ve not made challah before and give you credit for even attempting it.
Wow, you are a true baker! I thought every one of your attempts looked great (but I’m one of those who goes for taste over appearance). Thanks so much for sharing the information and for the giveaway!
cool bread!
Now that I am retired, I am getting back into baking. The Kitchen aid mixer is the best.
Happy Blog anniversary Lisa! Brava for keeping your blog so entertaining and beautiful all this time!
I gotta admire your tenacity on this one. Although I would have thought humidity might actually help bread baking in some cases (a wetter dough makes for a lighter crumb, no?), but obviously not for challah. Love the concept and the colours, though, and I’ll bet all three breads tasted amazing!
The Challah came out so pretty, good for you!
I would be thrilled to have this, I’ve wanted one for ages
following you on twitter (07violet)
What a great giveaway!
I have always wanted to win one these. thanks for the chance
I’m new to the cooking game, but it’s been alot of fun so far! This would definately help me out greatly! The Challah looks a little scary for me though, maybe some day 🙂
I have wanted a KA mixer forever! What a luxurious giveaway! If I win, I’ll be baking every single day :>) That challah is so creative and beautiful!
Your bread looks great even if it did lose its braid shape – and you’re a far more determined baker than I. When it’s muggy, the most I can usually be bothered to make is a nice salad and a cool drink (forget the oven!).
What beautiful challahs….I would love to win this mixer…..thank you for the opportunity.
I am following you on twitter as angel320
I subscribed to your email as [email protected]
I would love to win this nice mixer!
Beautiful Bread and a new mixer would be cool too.
Happy anniversary ~ the colors look beautifu
this is the one thing i have ALWAYS wanted but never been able to afford. I would pick a kitchenaid blender over an ipad! no joke.
ferriza2(at)yahoo(dot)com @xferriza2
twitter follow @xferriza2
liked post on fb xferriza2 dani marie
Congratulations on four years!
Wahoo! Congrats on 4 years! Love your blog!
e-mail: gildedaged (at) gmail (dot) com
Shared on FB!
You made me laugh… and the bread looks yummy to me!
Thanks – Sarah Z
believedreamcourage (at)
Thanks – Sarah Z
believedreamcourage (at)
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Great blog, congrats on four years!
Diana C
unachica_latina (at) hotmail (dot) com
Thanks so much for the great giveaway – I’d love to win
I follow you on twitter
I’d love to win this!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow you on Twitter.
Diana C
unachica_latina (at) hotmail (dot) com
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Debra Ford
I tweeted this blog and giveaway!
I really need one of these. i totally failed trying to hand whip meringue today 🙁
I liked the giveaway on FB.
Diana Luna Camden
Happy Blogiversary!
I follow u on twitter (@MrsHarriett)
I like this post on FB (Harriett Talford Daniel)
Baking bread is a skill I regret not having. There is no greater pleasure than biting into warm bread straight from the oven.
would love to win this
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Wonderful!! Thanks so much!
I follow you on twitter as @tcrowley122
I liked this post on facebook! Happy Blogaversary!
I’m totally with you on humidity. HATE! lol Happy Blogaverary as well 🙂
Count me in !!! I have wanted a Kitchen Aid mixer FOREVER !!
love this mixer
It still looks pretty tasty!
Very nice hardware!
I LOVED reading your story about the bread, i was hoping at the end it would work out and you would get something notable which you did, that bread looks great and i bet it tasted good too!
i follow on twitter @7kidsandus
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This is like the Cadillac of mixers to me, would very much enjoy having one!
this would be so so nice
follow youtwitter @jtwark
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Thanks for the giveaway…that challah bread looks delicious, great idea !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Liked giveaway on FB: bryan eason
Following YOU via Twitter: @brianpiero
I love challah and never thought to make it with pistachio before – terrific idea! Would love to win a KitchenAid mixer and come up with some inventive recipes of my own. Thanks for the chance!
I follow you on twitter: @guettel78
I tweeted:
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Thank you so much for the chance- I have been lost since my mixer finally bit the dust. The bread looks delicious, actually anything with pistachio does to me. 🙂
Twitter @dddiva
This would be a great addition to my kitchen
The bread you made is beautiful, I love to cook and bake I have wanted a kitchenaid for so long I don’t make a lot of bread but maybe I would try if I had a kitchenaid
I tweeted @crankyyanky1
Following via twiiter @crankyyanky1
I sure would be able to put this to good use, thanks for the giveaway.
I followed you on twitter (@DaisyCho6)
I tweeted about this!/DaisyCho6
I liked this on facebook Daisy Cho
I have been wanting one of these for a long time
I follow on twitter as zion777423
Can I really finally leave a comment?! LOVE the Challah! I am stunned with its beauty and your creativity (as usual) but wow what patience you have to do it over and over until you get it right! I so want to taste this baby! Beautiful! And now you’ve inspired me to try something similar. Wait and see! And I have dreamed of owning a KitchenAid stand mixer for literally years!!! Years I tell you! Fab giveaway and HAPPY 4 YEARS!!! I am so happy I followed your great blog and fun cooking adventures until we finally became friends…
Follow you on Twitter? Do I follow you on twitter? I like to think that I was the first person to follow you on twitter!
I tweeted the giveaway and will tweet again…
I really really really .. need this x x x
anyway it’s a good challah! 🙂
and good luck to everybpdy. including me :-)))
Congrats with 4 years!
Love, love, love that Kitchenaid and it’s not something I’m able to buy myself anytime soon…!
And I follow you:)
Great prize. Thanks for the chance!
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net
I follow you on twitter @mizztara71
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net
Tweet done!
I tweeted.
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net
I liked on Facebook. Tara Woods
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net
Love that you admit you reached the point where you just cared that it was pretty. I’ve been there more times than I care to admit and can totally sympathize. I wish you luck in your summer baking adventures with the humidity beast!
Tweeted one more time:)
Love that you never gave up on that challah – best it tasted great! Congrats on 4 years!!
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I liked you on FB (Crystal Welsh)
Happy blogiversary! Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to own this! Thank you for the opportunity!
Twitter follower. ladyt64
Following @parsleynsage on Twitter
User: @DebbieHogue
Tweeted giveaway with modified ending
Ohhh I have wanted a kitchenaid FOREVER! Thank you for the giveaway!
Following you on twitter (machina328)
I hate humidity too but love your challah! So unusual!
Thank you for this amazing giveaway!
Love your challah, so unique!
I follow you on Twitter.
really could use this for so many yummy things!
Absotutely loverly.
I followed you on twitter!
I also tweeted the giveaway!
Nothing better than a stand mixer, it’s even better than additional hands!
This is an amazing prize! Thanks for the chance.
the challah is beautiful!! the mixer isn’t too shabby either 🙂
i follow you on twitter 🙂
i tweeted about the giveaway too 🙂
Thank you so much for this opportunity!! My mom and I have to bake everything for my wedding reception .. And I don’t have any mixer at all!! Please please pick me!!!
Thanks for the great contest.
I liked this giveaway on facebook. kim thompson
I would love to win this!
Congrats on the 4 year anniversary! I’ve always wanted to get a Kitchenaid mixer, but never been able to justify the cost!
I follow you on twitter with user @elangomatt
I tweeted about this giveaway
That challah looks delicious. Thanks for a great contest. Good luck everyone.
Happy 4th blog anniversary! The braids look awesome with the 3 colors. I posted mine late and had trouble with the braiding. Great job Lisa!
I would love to win this.
Happy anniversary and thank you for being such a generous host !
Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow you on Twitter @Razzmyberry
I’d love to win!!
Love the threes colours in the bread! I also can’t believe how much weather can affect baking. It really isn’t a myth weather certainly affects results of breads and macarons (the two major things we’ve been baking lately)!
Oooh and I already follow you on twitter! @beyondumami
I have always wanted a stand mixer. thank you so much for the opportunity to win one!
following on twitter – @SammysMama88
Another wonderful looking bread of yours! Love love love it 🙂 Thanks for inspiring me every time to make homemade bread 🙂
Following you on Twitter and facebook 🙂
I’ve always wanted one of these, I would LOVE to win one.
wow just look at that!! Your challah looks absolutely amazing Lis!!
Awesome giveaway!
desperately need this.
that looks great. I cant wait to try it
Congratulations on your blogaversary! I’ve dreamed of my own kitchenaid for years… as every young baker does!
I’d love to win this!
Thanks for the chance
Beautiful outcome, love the color scheme.
I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance.
I like this post on FB. Sarah VM
love your blog, and love this prize!
OMG!! I love this recipe…thanks for sharing.
That bread is so pretty! Thanks for the giveaway.
What a generous and amazing giveaway! I want to win so bad! I’d choose it in cherry red, because red is my favorite color and it will match the paneling in my kitchen!
I already follow you on twitter,
Tweeted the giveaway!
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Shared on Facebook!!!
Thanks for this giveaway..have loved your blog for ages!
Follow you on Twitter..of course,
Tweeted it!
Liked on FB and Shared.
I love challah! Thanks for sharing and happy anniversary! 🙂
Also shared on FB! 🙂
twitted this, 6/5
i would love to win that is my dream mixer!!!
Thanks for the giveaway
Would love to win one – I’ve been wanting a good mixer for awhile!
Follow on Twitter as sgudlaug.
Your challah is beautiful and I love the combination of pistachio and chocolate (I think I’m going to use that combination for this month’s challenge). Your post made me laugh so hard because it was as if I was reading about myself. If others could hear the things I say in the kitchen at times, it would probably change their opinions of me!
That bread looks amazing! So does that mixer!! Thanks for the opportunity!
couponshanda (at) yahoo (dot) com
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couponshanda (at) yahoo (dot) com
couponshanda (at) yahoo (dot) com
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couponshanda (at) yahoo (dot) com
The challah looks great! Would love a mixer for my new apartment!
Followed you on Twitter!
Ok, so I know this isn’t what you like perfection wise, but I think this loaf turned out kind of beautiful! I love its marbled swirlyness. (I make up my own words), and the pistachio and chocolate together would be great.
I would love to win a good mixer such as Kitchenaid
Amazing giveaway! I like the colours and the braided look, thanks for sharing.
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Debbie M Petts
ive been wanting one of these for so long! great giveaway
i follow parsleynsage on twitter under sarahbeara6
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– marisneff
i also shared this on facebook 😀
– marissavneff
Shared your giveaway tweet on tweeter
I could really use this mixer!! My mom and I have to bake everything for my wedding reception and I don’t even have a regular mixer yet!! Thanks so much for this opportunity!!
What a fantastic prize! How great it would be to win. Thanks for the chance.
Great prize and wonderful desserts.
Oh I feel your pain, I have had loafs melt on me on humid days and no amount of cursing was enough to make it better lol
I loved the idea of three colors and flavor dough, I think the pistachio is really interesting
I already follow you on twitter
I tweeted the giveaway
and shared it on facebook
Followed, tweeted & shared on facebook! Love your blog… “Thank you baby jeebus”, classic…
Awesome blog post and awesome prize!
This bread is gorgeous! I’d love to try it!
Creamy mac and cheese with Sriracha; on the menu next week!
This is so awesome! My daughter is dying to get a kitchenaid mixer, unfortunately, it didn’t pass as expense with her student loans.
I’d love to have this mixer and I love the color you featured.. RED!
How original Shabbat Challah never tasted like this
Amazing-looking bread! Happy Anniversary!
jdmimi at gmail dot com
It would be great to own a kitchenaid! I’ve heard that they can handle anything without frying the motor
I would love a kitchenaid mixer. Thanks for having this great giveaway!
I know the giveaway is closed, so don’t know if you will see this, but I HATE HUMIDITY, TOO!!!!!! I have been making bread using these authors’ books:
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