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All text and photos ©parsley sage sweet 2008-present except where otherwise noted. If you want to republish or feature any of my recipes, you may post the ingredients and a photo you like with a link back to the page it was taken from, but please do not republish my written post or the written directions to said recipe.
All text and photos ©parsley sage sweet 2008-present except where otherwise noted. If you want to republish or feature any of my recipes, you may post the ingredients and a photo you like with a link back to the page it was taken from, but please do not republish my written post or the written directions to said recipe.
Tag Archives: Jewish
Peanut Butter (or Almond Butter) Matzo Brei with Fresh Strawberry Maple Syrup
I wanted to make Egg Foo Yung. It was cooking class in 6th grade; mid-Passover. The teacher announced that those of us who observed Passover would be making Matzo Brei, and everyone else would be making Egg Foo Yung. “Can … Continue reading
Posted in Breakfast, Fruit, Holiday, Jams/Jellies
Tagged almond butter, almond butter matzo brei, egg foo young, egg foo yung, egg fu young, egg fu yung, fresh strawberry syrup, Jewish, matza, matzah, matzo, matzo brei, Passover, Peanut Butter, peanut butter matzo brei, Raspberry Syrup, strawberries, strawberry maple syrup, strawberry syrup
Brown Sugar Caramel Apple Upside-Down Noodle Kugel
So, it’s the 7th night of Hanukkah, and I’m finally putting a Hanukkah post up. Why so late? (as if ‘late’ isn’t the norm for me). I’m late because Thursday night was the first Hanukkah dinner we had at home, … Continue reading
Posted in Dessert, Dinner, Fruit, Giveaway, Holiday, Lunch, Pasta, Puddings
Tagged apples, brown sugar, caramel, caramel apple, cottage cheese, Egg Noodles, Hanukkah, Jewish, kugel, lokshen kugel, noodle kugel, noodle pudding, sour cream, upside-down noodle kugel