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All text and photos ©parsley sage sweet 2008-present except where otherwise noted. If you want to republish or feature any of my recipes, you may post the ingredients and a photo you like with a link back to the page it was taken from, but please do not republish my written post or the written directions to said recipe.
All text and photos ©parsley sage sweet 2008-present except where otherwise noted. If you want to republish or feature any of my recipes, you may post the ingredients and a photo you like with a link back to the page it was taken from, but please do not republish my written post or the written directions to said recipe.
Tag Archives: Biga
Six-Seed Garlic Onion Poolish Rolls
These Six-Seed Garlic Onion Poolish Rolls are so loaded with healthy and yummy seeds, that you might not want to eat them outdoors since the birds may go batty! I had the strangest thought the other day. Actually, it’s not … Continue reading
Posted in BBD, Breads, Twelve Loaves, Yeastspotting
Tagged Biga, Bread, European Rolls, Flax Seed, garlic, Levain, Onion, Poolish, Poolish Rolls, Poppy Seeds, pumpkin seeds, Rolls, Sesame Seeds, sponge, Sunflower Seeds, wild yeast
‘HOLEY’ Ciabatta Bread!
First I have to start off by saying that No-Knead may be great and a convenience for some, but I LOVE kneading bread! This No-Knead Ciabatta Bread is super duper awesome, but dang, I wouldn’t have minded giving it a … Continue reading
Posted in Breads, Italian
Tagged Biga, Bread, Breads, Ciabatta, Ciabatta bread, Craig Ponsford's Ciabatta, Italian Slipper Bread, Loaf, Yeast