My favorite quotes from Julia Child.
“If you’re afraid of butter, use cream.”
“Always remember: If you’re alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up. Who’s going to know?”
“People who love to eat are always the best people.”
“The best way to execute French cooking is to get good and loaded and whack the hell out of a chicken. Bon appetit.”
“I think every woman should have a blowtorch.” (I do!)
From a Baking with Julia episode on PBS: The chef accidentally cracked some egg shell into the cake batter. Before he could fish it out , Julia said, very nonchalantly.. “Oh, leave it in there, extra calcium.”, and she meant it!
Photo from Yahoo images
You were, and continue to be a mentor and inspiration to women all over the world, not to mention anyone and everyone who loves to cook, whether it be professionally and/or at home. There was never a time in my life I didn’t know who you were, and you will forever be alive in my world. May your souffles continue to rise in the heavens. Bon Appetit, dear lady!
Jacques Pepin remembers Mrs. Child on her very special day
I love those quotes! She was a wonderful lady.
Hilarious! Love her and her idioms!!!!! Have read everything she ever wrote…. such a hard working gal. 🙂 V
So true. What a fabulous woman!
Beautifully written Lisa, she is indeed and will forever be an inspiraition 🙂
A lovely tribute!
Beautiful quotes from the most talented chef 🙂
Choc Chip Uru
I was smiling as I read this. I so wanted to use the quote about whacking the chicken, but decided against it considing what kind of Julia tribute I wrote. She probably would have laughed at it since she found the humor in most situations, but I wasn’t sure how it would play overall. We lost a real culinary gem when Julia left us. And yes, Bon Appetit! 🙂
This is a fantastic and sweet tribute. I could read her quotes all night long! Bon appetit mon amie. xx
love her and always will. Such an inspiration!
Awww, I love this post, it makes me smile! Julia is truly an inspiration to me for sure:-) I remember watching her on PBS when I worked in master control during my broadcasting degree. She cracks me up, and I love her:-) Hugs, Terra
I love love love the butter/cream quote – will definitely be remembering that one!
Great post darling and you chose the best quotes which just illustrate what a funny and charming woman she was!
great post Lisa. You found some brilliant quotes, especially the butter one (I pretty much live by this rule) 🙂
I only recently heard of this grand chef when I saw the movie with her in it.
I learned a lot of her through her books & her knowledge about cooking! A great post! I read the other post in the NY times too! An excellent read!
Oh Lisa, what a wonderful tribute to my all-time favorite chef! I had Julia cooking in the kitchen with me very often (The French Chef Cookbook)! Love this photo of her!
Great post. Always remember watching her on Public TV as a kid and being fascinated with her creations. Naturally loved her sign off and always think of her when in France or any restaurant when they say …Bon appetite.
Happy Birthday indeed….love the new look….
Did you charge SRC groups?
She will always be missed. Great post!
Love Julia so much.
Julia was one of a kind. I love how you did your tribute to her..the photo is classic Julia..just how I remember her on her cooking shows.
i think she’s really cute when she talked about leaving those egg shells in. Thanks for coming by my blog on the twelve loaves baking, looking forward to participate again!
I always admired and loved Julia. Her wit, charms, and creativity! Love this photo of her, so confident, slim, and attractive! I remember her PBS cooking shows well!
Such a nice tribute, Lisa…thanks for sharing! xo
Perfect tribute to Julia! She shaped so many of us…I just love her philosophies on cooking 🙂
I so agree about the blow tourch. I just need to get the butane (for like 6 months now). She definitely changed the kitchen for eevryone around the world. Amazing eclectic woman.
Great post! A beautiful tribute to Julia.
I love that she was herself and made no excuse for it either a truly exceptional lady.
Hope you are doing great! Guess what we are getting a foreign exchange student from Germany! We are excited, she should be here in 2 weeks. xoxox hugs Suz
haha.. I love the quotes you picked out Lis!! 🙂 And I literally LOL’d when you said “May your souffles continue to rise in the heavens”. hehe