Mango Strawberry (or Peachy Strawberry) Sorbet + A Giveaway

Not much beats a cool, fruity sorbet during the dog days of August. I’ve got either a mango strawberry sorbet or a strawberry peach sorbet for you, although I’m thinking all three would go really well together! But, for now, I’m kind of two-fruiting it.  Fruiting? Oh, I know where I got that; Mrs. Doubtfire!  “It was a drive by fruiting!”

That being said, the thing I love about having an electric ice cream maker is the speed and ease at which you can whip up ice cream, sorbet, sherbet, frozen yogurt, etc.  The thing I hate about having an electric ice cream maker is the speed and ease at which you can whip up ice cream, sorbet, sherbet, frozen yogurt, etc.  Yes, I think you get the gist: it’s way too easy to whip up and way too easy to eat a quart of frozen fat ass sitting in your freezer.

Homemade Strawberry Mango (or Strawberry Peach) SorbetBut let’s stick with only the positive aspects of electric ice cream makers, because I have a recipe for strawberry-mango or strawberry-peach sorbet that’s pretty awesome.  I always saw sorbet as the ‘skinny’ frozen treat and gorged on it.  Yes, it’s fat-free, but the amount of sugar added can sometimes be a little much (oh, and sugar turns to fat, so…).

Of course, it doesn’t have to be that way, but what the heck, this recipe is great, so unless you eat the whole yield in one sitting, you shouldn’t be bouncing around like you’ve got pogo sticks for legs, then crashing like a fraternity pledge after a night of quarters.

Homemade Strawberry Mango (or Strawberry Peach) Sorbet

Let’s get back to the positives.  It’s  healthy.  Well, it’s usually healthy because sorbet is usually loaded with fruit, so at least you’re filling your guts with all kinds of vitamins and antioxidants while cooling off, satisfying your sweet tooth, and bouncing around like you’ve got pogo sticks for legs.

In this case, we’ve got strawberries and mango (or peach).  The best part about summer is the abundance of beautiful, fresh berries that are widely available.  I always load up and then try to figure out what I’m going to make with them, once I eat a bushel or three.  I have to admit, sometimes I forget about them and am greeted to fuzzy white and green creatures almost smirking at my forgetfulness.  This is why an electric ice cream maker is like a white knight to me; there’s always ice cream, sorbets, sherbets, frozen yogurts etc, to ward off the fuzzy white and green creatures that look like they want to eat my face.

Homemade Strawberry Mango (or Strawberry Peach) Sorbet

The humidity made it a race to take a photo, but it’s even ‘creamier’ in that ‘sorbet sort of way’, when it’s like this.

A few weeks back (this is one of those ‘entries’ I mentioned in my last entry; the stuff in the freezer and/or photos that sit idly, waiting for their big blog break), after doing everything I could with a beautiful bunch of strawberries, from dipping them in chocolate to making a crisp (another entry waiting to happen) to just eating them out of hand, I still had about a quart sitting in my fruit and veggie bin.

For two days that quart was threatening me with the fuzzies and a final eulogy in the trash can.  I also happened to have a mango on hand, just waiting to turn to mush and join the strawberries in garbage purgatory; money wasted because I always over purchase with my eyes.

Homemade Strawberry Mango (or Strawberry Peach) Sorbet

I hit the ‘puter and googled strawberry sorbet in hopes that a good sorbet not loaded with a pound of sugar, would pop up.  It did, and ironically, the name of the blog where it comes from is Sugarlaws.  Thank you, Sugarlaw gal! This is a keeper of a sorbet recipe, one of which I will use with all kinds of summer fruit bounties!

Homemade Strawberry Mango (or Strawberry Peach) Sorbet

Yes, there is a little vodka in the recipe, and I understand some don’t like to add any alcohol to anything they’ll be eating, but sorbet is better with vodka because it keeps it in that ‘creamy’ state without having to wait for it to soften to scoop. BUT BUT BUT, it’s such a small amount, you won’t be slurring your words and telling everyone you love them. Also, you DO NOT taste it; it’s only a tablespoon, and vodka is smooth and flavorless anyway.

To explain more the advantage of adding a tablespoon of vodka, if you want that slightly soft ‘sorbet creaminess’, adding the vodka makes it so it doesn’t freeze into a solid block of fruit ice that you have to chisel off of. This is also why people keep bottles of vodka in the freezer; it doesn’t freeze! Plus, we’re not making granita here, although I love the stuff and will probably cover it before summer some point..I hope.

For those of you who are really adamant about not even an itsy bit of alcohol in anything, I’ve heard egg whites can give you that fluffy sorbet texture too, but to be honest, I’ve tried sorbet made with egg whites, and it was kind of slimy on my tongue and left a weird aftertaste.  Then again, there are those who stay away from eating anything containing raw egg, so I suppose you can either pick your poison or run back and forth to the freezer every hour to fork it around so it doesn’t freeze solid after that wonderful ice cream maker churning, or wait for it to soften before serving.

I don’t like waiting.

In any event, try this sorbet, substituting most any fruit(s) you like. Pineapple, papaya, every berry known to man..etc etc etc.

Mango or Peach Strawberry Sorbet

Fresh Mango Strawberry (or Peach Strawberry) Sorbet
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Yield: About 1 Pint Sorbet *
Freezer time approx 2 to 4 hours.
  • 1 cup sugar (I tried it with ½ cup sugar and it was just sweet enough)
  • 1 cup water
  • 4 cups hulled, chopped strawberries
  • 1 mango, peeled and cubed or two large peaches peeled, stone removed, and chopped
  • 1 tablespoon vodka
  • Juice of one lime
  1. In a saucepan, bring the sugar and water to a boil. Stir until the sugar dissolves, then set aside to cool.
  2. Place the strawberries, chopped mango (or chopped peaches), vodka, and lime juice into a food processor or blender and puree. When the sugar syrup has cooled completely, add it to the strawberry-mango or strawberry-peach puree, and stir until combined.
  3. My addition: strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer, unless you like the crunch of some seed know, the ones that really get stuck in your teeth because they're smaller from being chopped up? I don't.
  4. Freeze the mixture in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
* I found it made about a pint of strawberry-mango-sugar syrup liquid and a quart when the liquid was frozen. Maybe I have a heavy hand, but I'm pretty sure you'll get approximately one quart of sorbet.


OK, onto my GIVEAWAY!  To help in making this amazing sorbet and all you can eat frozen goodies until you die (or it breaks), I’m giving away a brand new Hamilton Beach 1.5 QT Ice Cream Maker!  Just leave a comment and one week from today (Well, August 14th, 2010) I will use random integer (or maybe my nephew, he likes to point) to choose a winner.  The winner will receive it with plenty of time to uhh…use it for a particular challenging thing, IF the winner happens to be part of that challenging thing, if ya know what I’m talkin’ about *wink wink*.  1 comment per person.

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101 Responses to Mango Strawberry (or Peachy Strawberry) Sorbet + A Giveaway

  1. Mohana says:

    We love sorbets and ice creams in our family. I haven’t made this recipe before, so I am very excited to try it! Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  2. Ummm, sorbet…haven’t made any this summer yet and yours looks amazing. My motto – alcohol in everything!

  3. Ruth H. says:

    I have just started learning about the wonders of making ice cream – dairy free at that! And sorbets, yogurts, sherberts… they will hopwfully be coming soon, too…! Thanks for sharing your beautiful sorbets!

  4. Jordan P says:

    Oooh lordy, mango sorbet. divine.

  5. Ryan G says:

    I think I’d make some chocolate ice cream ASAP!

  6. Sara says:

    I’ve never tried home made ice cream, but sure would like to. I think strawberry mango sounds mmmmmmmmmmmy.

  7. trissalicious says:

    Lisa that looks so refreshing! Does the vodka taste come out a lot ? Am not a big drinker so I might skip the vodka but keep everything else.

  8. Kelly V says:

    That sorbet looks awesome. And great for ummm ya know, challenging recipes

  9. Pingback: Deanna

  10. Courtney says:

    Oooh, I would go crazy with my own ice cream maker. That sorbet looks delicious!

  11. Wow, this looks great! Your sorbet would be perfect in the D.C. summer heat right now.

  12. Kitty says:

    You are so cute! Even before I got to the bottom to read you are giving away an ice cream maker! My ice cream maker was in the process of breaking, but it totally broke down after chugging away fitfully for the past 5 years, never working all that well, on the last Daring Bakers Challenge. It’s an old fashioned one that you put the base into the metal canister and put the paddle in the middle and put that contraption in the wooden canister surrounded by ice and rock salt, and then fit the motor over the top. The top part covering the motor broke, and if I try and put nuts or fruit bits or anything into the base the paddle gets stuck! Oh please pick me!!!

  13. Rosa says:

    That sorbet looks fabulous! I really love that haevenly combo.



  14. Lauren says:

    I love ice cream, but have never used a machine (which makes it hard to whip up some of it!). This sorbet looks fantastic :).

  15. Pingback: Evan

  16. Shelley says:

    Ooohhh… this could be dangerous… I can already imagine the amazingly yummy concoctions that would be in my freezer (albeit briefly) with that… 🙂

  17. MaryG says:

    I just made homemade ice cream last month for the first time, and I did it without an ice cream maker. Imagine how much more fun it would be with one… 🙂

  18. Mary says:

    Love mangoes and strawberries, so I bet this would be great! Alas, my 20-year old hand-cranked ice cream maker struggles a bit. I’ve got lots of ice cream ideas, but it’s such a pain to make. Save me from moldy fruit, please!

  19. Wow a post outside of DK. I love making ice cream…it is an essential food group right? That sorbet is outstanding in color, if the taste matches it is a winner. Oh really on the wink wink?

  20. Jaime says:

    mmmm i love sorbet. also love strawberries and mangoes so this is perfect for our TX heat right now 🙂

  21. Carey says:

    MMMM…Mango sorbet…it sounds fantastic!

  22. Lori says:

    I LOVE that photo of the ice cream scoop and sorbet. I had to hold myself back from licking the screen. I would totally love to make this. I need to make some sorbets!

  23. Michelle says:

    OHMYGOSH that looks amazing. And cooooool. Spoon, please? 😉

  24. Mandy says:

    That looks so incredibly delicious! I never knew sorbet was that easy to make with an ice cream maker, but then, I’ve never had one. >.< Seed crunch actually sounds like fun!

  25. Elle says:

    Love the first photo! It is so difficult to get frozen dessert photographed this well. Just lovely. Maybe an ice cream maker would encourage me to participate in the challenge..wink, wink…or at least make some tasty sorbet for Sweetie.

  26. marcellina says:

    Strawberry and mango sorbet! That sounds so delicous! I have made heaps of icecream over the years but for some reason never sorbet. Yeah, I don’t like the idea of egg white either! Back to the sorbet, yours looks so devine, I think I’m making sorbet next!

  27. dopaminergic says:

    I’m just starting to make ice creams and sorbets in my food processor. an ice cream maker would make the whole thing easier, though! I think I’ll have to try this recipe soon!

  28. Mahila says:

    That looks fantastic! I’d try my hand at blackberry sorbet – mm mm!

  29. Brian says:

    My mouth was watering after reading this. I’m seriously wanting to make some sorbet right now. I loved the presentation and humor too, and the photos are spectacular. Again Kudos!

  30. Charlie says:

    Last month’s “challenging thing” was the first time I’d ever attempted making homemade ice cream, and I did so without an ice cream maker. I found the process fun, but I wouldn’t balk at an ice cream maker. Since then I tested a few other flavors, but haven’t ventured into sorbet yet. This weekend may call for it.

  31. terri says:

    Making homemade sorbet and ice cream rock. Can’t wait to try this. Tomorrow it’s off to the farmers market for the strawberries then sorbet here we come. A chance at a new maker awesome! Thanks

  32. Bertha says:

    Your sorbet looks awesome! I’m really into making my own frozen dessert lately and the possibility is endless!

  33. Teagan says:

    Mmm tasty! 🙂 Summer is the perfect time for sorbet recipes! Please, by all means, don’t hesitate to expand on this idea! Lovely photos, by the way!

  34. Hilarious! I am right there with you! I have TWO electric ice cream makers and a Thermomix so you can imagine the frozen concoctions whipped up around here. I cannot wait to try this recipe. I adore mango! I don’t usually do the sorbets because of the high sugar content. I like my calories in heavy cream, please. 🙂 But, do love them – so this one will be at the top of my list when I return home! I apologize for not keeping up with my readings. We left for Paris mid July and are currently in Belgrade. We’ll be home sometime next week – and I cannot wait to be home. I love to get away, but going home is just as exciting. And this time, In have had so many fascinating culinary experiences, that I cannot wait to practice in my kitchen at home!

  35. Nuraini says:

    Ice creams~~ My fave dessert! 🙂 I liked the ice cream I made for last month’s DB challenge. Perhaps it’s time I try sorbet. 🙂 Btw, the photographs are stunning!

  36. ericasedibles says:

    Your sorbets look amazing! oh the fun I could have with an ice cream maker!!!

  37. Jenni says:

    oooh, lovely! I love sorbets, they are so fresh and yummy! I have always wanted an electric ice cream maker. We got one of those 1804 hand-crank and a wooden barrel type ones as a wedding present, but its still sitting in our basement…in the box. Maybe I should get that out…. 🙂

  38. Victoria says:

    I was visiting a good friend this summer who knew how obsessed I am with sorbet, so he bought an ice cream maker to make my stay even more incredible. Now I want one!

  39. Kassy says:

    ahhhhhh very good, bookmarked 🙂 keep it up, JusyKassy.

  40. Sorbet is just so incredible, especially for people who love ice cream but have dairy allergies or lactose intolerance. You can still have cold, creamy goodness!

  41. Laura says:

    I love sorbet, and I need to try it! When I get some strawberries too mushy to eat but not covered in fuzzy mold I puree them and freeze them for later use. In fact I have some puree in the freezer waiting for me in case I win this wonderful ice cream maker.

    Happy Summer!

  42. astheroshe says:

    you said it perfectly, i would love to have one..and not have one!

  43. Susie D. says:

    Gorgeous color on that sorbet! Thanks for the opportunity!

  44. Spoon says:

    I’ve been fantasizing about getting an ice cream maker all summer but haven’t gotten to it and don’t want to spend the $$ It would be good for warding off the green fuzzy meanies.

  45. Sandy says:

    I have to try this recipe, it looks like an amazing and healthy way to beat the heat. The vodka addition is really interesting.

  46. Aparna says:

    Its not exactly ice-cream weather here where I am with the rains coming down heavilty these past two months. But we are always ready to appreciate ice-cream and its remote cousing come rain or shine.
    Love the gorgeous red of your sorbet.

    Am guessing your giveaway doesn’t apply to me, but its time I got an ice-cream maker, all the same. 🙂

  47. Abbey Chapel says:

    OOOH! Yum! I’ll have to give this recipe a try…

  48. Katrina says:

    I just made apricot sorbet yesterday that is SO good, I even used less sugar than the recipe called for and love it that way.
    I LOVE my 2 ice cream makers and have probably 5-6 different kinds in the freezer right now (we had company over for ice cream).
    Just wouldn’t be summer without it.
    That said, if RG happens to pick me to win your giveaway, pick again, since I already have two makers. 😉 Just wanted to stop in and say YUM and raise my hand to the ice cream maker!

  49. Karen says:

    The sorbet looks delicious! I haven’t tried making it yet but i’ll have to give it a try. The pictures of your different foods & desserts are beautiful! Will be eagerly waiting to see what you are cooking next!

  50. Kathleen T says:

    Great recipe for using fruit on the way out. I had a pile of organic strawberries left after making jam and made fruit leather in my oven, but sorbet sounds better! Thanks for entering me in your giveaway! My little boys would love frozen homemade treats (especially since Mommy won’t buy the chemical laden ones in the store!)

  51. kalie g says:

    Ooh that recipe sounds awesome! I’d have to hold out on the alcohol since I’m 7 1/2 months pregnant, but you know, with a month and a half left, a girl sure could use an ice cream maker… Just sayin 😉

  52. cherie says:

    oops . . . now I have to wipe the drool off my keyboard . . .

    But I so hear you on those pints a’callin’ my name!

  53. grace says:

    on days when my tush feels particularly large, i prefer a nice sorbet. 🙂

  54. Charlene says:

    Peaches are in season right now and I am thinking of a spiced peach ice cream with crushed gingersnaps. Yum! Thanks for the chance to win. Have a great week-end!

  55. Jessica says:

    Ooo that sorbet looks great!

  56. Jennifer F. says:

    I love me some sorbet, or sherbert, or ice cream. MMMmmmm the possibilities.

  57. April K says:

    Oh your recipes look so yummy. I need an icecream maker just so I can make this. :o)

  58. Pingback: Katie

  59. Alyse says:

    mango and strawberry- near perfection!

  60. WOW that recipe does look great and the photos even better. It would be great to have an ice-cream maker. Cheers from Audax in Sydney Australia.

  61. MandyM says:

    Lis, I already told you, that ice-cream maker is mine…. Really now, getting the hopes up of everyone else 😛

    Man oh man I’d love to have that, especially for some… challenging things…. 😉

    Quick question though, do you know if it’s dual voltage and would run off 220 volts power? I know you guys over there are on 110 volts.

    Love the post, as always. The colours look incredible in your pics. Really love the shot of the strawberries & mango, almost licked my screen, lol!

    Mmmmmm… soooorbeeeet…..

  62. Monica says:

    Oh boy.. this will be so nice to have… channel the inner winner.. channel the inner winner!!!!

  63. Valérie says:

    I always overbuy fruit. Thankfully, Laurent is always up for eating almost-mushy fruit that are a few hours away of going bad. However, I think he would prefer wonderful sorbet like the one you made. It looks so appealing!

  64. Dai Dai says:

    Wow, it would be cool if given the chance to own one of these! I’ve been making ice cream by hand (sticking it in the freezer and hand churning several times), and this would make things go a lot easier, and I could make homemade ice cream more often! Sign me up! 😀

  65. Benjamin says: satiny and vibrant in color. Would love to try it with a brand new ice cream maker!!

  66. Strawberry, mango, and lime—umm, yes!

  67. You photos are so lovely and vibrant! Found your blog through Daring Bakers and crossing my fingers for the ice cream machine!

  68. pragmaticattic says:

    Ooh, the sorbet really, really looks yummy. I used to make a strawberry sorbet that was basically frozen strawberries, frozen limeade, and some tequila.

  69. Melissa says:

    I would love to win that machine. I hate being hot and love to eat icy cold things! Really enjoy your blog-I follow via email

  70. Juliana says:

    Wow, love the sorbet…strawberry and mango, must so refreshing 🙂

  71. Teri says:

    Nothing like cold sorbet on a hot summer day!
    (hey, that rhymes)

  72. Lindsay says:

    Oooh, wonderful! I’ve been experimenting with sorbets without a machine, and the consistency just isn’t *quite* right.

    (and perfect for the *cough challenge cough*)

  73. Lisa, thanks for the vodka tip… I do hesitate about adding raw egg white into my ice cream mixture and that is the very reason I don’t make sorbet that much…

    Btw, this sorbet looks so delicious and fresh 🙂

    Sawadee from bangkok,

  74. Sorbet is totally good for you, no need for guilt. And yours looks incredible. I just made a fantastic roasted cinnamon ice cream but I’ll only have access to the ice cream maker for another 2 weeks… I’d love to have my own! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway.

  75. tiamatsrevenge says:

    Oh what heat and humidity do to frozen desserts … LOL

    Hmmm … Ice cream would go good with LFLs … Oops, I got no dough made up and it’s been cool & rainy-ish the past 3 days … I know, “shaddup” … LOL

  76. I’ve been using the same ice cream maker at least once a week during the summer, for about 12 years now. Watermelon and strawberry sorbets are always at the top of my list, but I never thought to combine it with mango. Great recipe, and thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  77. Kenna says:

    I love sorbet, but I’ve never made my own! It’d be good to have the ice cream maker around for those highly parishable fresh fruit summer moments (like you said, the fuzzies start threatening too quickly!) I hope your nephew points my way! 😛

  78. Great job….like the idea of giveaway….I have the sixth sense…I’ll be the winner…looooool
    so optimistic….anyway i wanted to tell you that i love your blog soooo much..keep it up…cheers from Egypt ;))

  79. Maranda says:

    Oh my goodness that sorbet looks AMAZING!!! I love strawberry and throwing mango and vodka in there??? Perfection! I hope I win the ice cream maker so I can whip that up in no time! LOL!

  80. Nasira says:

    Sorbet is awesome. I’ve tried making it without an ice cream maker and a little bit of vodka or rum helps the process so it doesn’t completely freeze over.

  81. SarahF says:

    mmmm that sorbet sounds delicious! I hadn’t heard the vodka idea for keeping sorbet creamy (though it makes sense). I recently heard that it is also useful in pie crust… I may have to break down and actually buy some. It would be fantastic to have an ice cream maker 🙂

  82. Claudia says:

    A beautiful combination. I love sorbets for turning an abundance of fruit into a refreshing cool dessert. Agave nectar is a fantastic substitute for sugar. No need to cook a sugar syrup up either. I’ve found about 1/3 to 1/2 cup is plenty for most fruits, depending on tartness.

  83. Karissa says:

    I love sorbets!!! Mango sorbet is to die for.

  84. Tina says:

    That sorbet looks incredbly gorgeous and refreshing!

  85. I haven’t made a sorbet before. Who knew to add vodka. Thanks for the tip.

  86. Sadie says:

    my ice cream recipes are piling up… thanks!

  87. FOODESSA says:

    Lisa…those photos…especially the strawberry one is stunning.

    I make my sorbet very differently…more like a mousse.
    I am, however willing to try another recipe out the next time I’m in the mood ;o)

    Thanks for sharing,

  88. Ashton says:

    Oooh, sorbet! I found a strawberry sorbet recipe a few weeks ago but this looks a wee bit healthier (and a lot less fattening). Will definitely have to try this one before the end of summer. 🙂

  89. afton says:

    Great recipe, and thanks for hosting the giveaway! The pictures of your different foods and desserts are striking! Will be excitedly waiting to see what you are cooking next!

  90. Christy says:

    LOVE. LOVE. LOVE sorbet. Have. To. Have. Some. NOW!

  91. Comfy Cook says:

    I just made my first ice cream without a machine and after I did, honestly, all I wanted was an ice cream maker. I have never had such good ice cream. This could turn me into a ice cream fanatic.

  92. Miriam says:

    Strawberries and mango! Really, the favorites of my daughter! I guess the smell is delicious… maybe I’ll tried it for something challenging;-)

  93. Cath says:

    Oh soooo tempting!!! Have never used one but sounds like a fabulous appliance to own and not own!

  94. Jennifer says:

    The sorbet recipe looks fantastic! I would love to make it in a brand-spanking new ice cream/sorbet maker…. :0)

    Thanks for hosting this creative giveaway!

  95. I know the challenge of getting a photo of anything frozen all too well! Looks like you did a great job though. And, the strawberrry mango sorbet sounds fantastic.

  96. Lauran says:

    Great recipe!! I looooove that sorbet is satisfying when you want a cold treat, but it isn’t as bad for you as ice cream.

  97. carina says:

    Recipe looks great. I don’t have a ice cream maker and I have been seeing so many great ice cream/sorbet/gelato recipes!

  98. Jennifer Ewa says:

    Your sorbets look absolutely sumptuous. Continue the great work!

  99. Billy says:

    I would love an ice cream many recipes I want to try, including your gorgeous sorbet! Fingers crossed!

  100. Sara says:

    I’ve never made sorbet or homemade ice cream which I hear is 2nd to nothing. Your pictures make me so want to try this.
    Thanks for visiting….great blog!

  101. Tammi says:

    This sorbet looks so good! I think the first thing I would try to make with an ice cream maker is good old rocky road.

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